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KMID : 0359019880080020145
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1988 Volume.8 No. 2 p.145 ~ p.148
Duodental Perforation due to Foreign Body Swallow
±èÀºÁÖ/Kim EJ
À±¼¼¿Á/Yoon SO
A 23 year old female patient swallowed a tooth brush about one month prior to admission. She has been felt discomfort in epigastrium and dull aching pain recently around umbilicus. Upper gastrointestinal X-Ray and gastroduodenoscopic examination disclosed that a full size, yellow tooth brush is lodged transversely in the stomach and duodenal bulb, Endoscopic remova.l was tried and failed because of impaction of the both ends into mucosa. The tooth brush was removed by gastrotomy under general anesthesia. The free end of the brush handle penetrated the duodenal bulb wall and the impaction of the tip prevented the leakage of duodenal contents before removal. Though the primary method of the gastroduodenal foreign body is endoscopic, if sharp end of the forei body seems to be impacted into the gastrointestinal wall, and if it retained same position for long duration, it should not tried to remove by force fo prevention of leakage and resulting peritonitis. Surgical removal may be safer method in these cases.
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